发表时间: 2014-8-12 17:54:59 Viw:8280




西班牙舞者  The Spanish Dancer, Study for "El Jaleo,"原作信息:

作品         西班牙舞者  The Spanish Dancer, Study for "El Jaleo,"
艺术家      约翰·辛格尓·萨金特  John Singer Sargent
年代         1882年
类型         布面油画
现存藏处    Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

西班牙舞者  The Spanish Dancer, Study for "El Jaleo,"油画作品欣赏

Almost 12 feet wide, El Jaleo is broadly painted in a nearly monochromatic palette, but for spots of red at the right and an orange at left, which is reminiscent of the lemons Édouard Manet inserted into several of his large paintings.[5] At odds with the academic practice of carefully modulated tones, Sargent dramatized the contrast between rich blacks and the shining white skirt of the dancer, caught in the strong footlights and painted briskly so as to suggest movement.[6] The lighting also creates long and eerie shadows on the rear wall that comprises nearly half the painting. The dancer, leaning asymmetrically, is placed to imply forward motion, from left to right across the canvas.[3]

El Jaleo is the most theatrical of Sargent's early major works.[7] The lack of a barrier between the viewer and dancer helps create the illusion that we are present at the actual event; the manipulation of space and lighting communicates the energetic rhythms of the dance, its sound and movement.[7]


著名绘画大师约翰·辛格尓·萨金特(John Singer Sargent, 1856年1月12日---1925年4月14日) 是19世纪末、20世纪初活跃在欧美的世界最优秀的肖像画大师,同时也是一位卓越的水彩画大师。他所画肖像高雅华丽,才华横溢,受到世界各国的艺术家及艺术爱好者们的广泛赞赏; 在水彩画领域,杰出的光与形的技法処理,也是出类拔萃的。 他敏锐的、天才的观察力使他的作品保持着准确性、优雅的审美性和新鲜感,非大多数画家所能及。综观萨金特一生,忙碌异常。他是个动作勤快、即刻实践、勤於研究、能随时随地学习的画家。 更値得注意的问题仍是:这位全世界最杰出的肖像画和绘画大师却没有任何一张学校的正式文凭,但他却拥有全世界无数高级学术机构赠预的最高荣誉,美国的哈佛大学(Harvard University)、耶鲁大学(Yale University)都曽授预他愽士学位。 早在萨金特 35 歳时,他已経被英国绘画界誉为世界上最卓越的肖像画家。


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